About Us

About Us

Learn more about the mission.

We Need Your Help!

What We Do

Operation Anchor is a nonprofit organization that was established in 2024 following Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. The founders wanted to assist with the disaster relief, and partnered with some other organizations to volunteer, as they had in the past. It became clear with Helene that there was a lot of work to be done rebuilding the community, and we wanted to create an organization that would be around until the end, until this part of the state was back to normal. Stationed in multiple counties, Operation Anchor is here to rebuild, repair and rehome.

Our hearts also lie in addiction recovery and prevention of human trafficking, and we have resources available for both of those as well, although most of our efforts are in Western NC at this time due to Helene.

The goal is normalcy in each community, always here until the end.
Repair. Rebuild. Rehome.